
Bonjour everyone! This is the blog of, well really anything. I can't tell you what it's about because... even I don't know. But I do know this much. I could write about anything, and nothing. Take that any way you want to. So go ahead, explore!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Oh yeah. I just finished the best essay in life. I better get an A on it cuz i took me like 3 hours to write it.
I love owls. Anyone out there love owls? I do. A Lot. I dont know why I capitalized the "L" in lot.....
Ok, so im trying to write long posts to make them more interesting (and cuz im lazy and dont want to post a lot, so i figured if i did one REALLY LONG post, then hat could be it for like a month.) OH WAIT! (I forgot no one reads my posts anyways beacuse they are really lame and no one likes my blog so why even bother?) Well whatever. I'm gonna try it anyways.
. This is HARD.

8 People Said Something About This Post!:

Anonymous said...

The Patullo one?? It had nothing to do with owls?
But yes, I do love owls.

Sharkie said...

Oh yeah i know. You'll find out on Thursday what im talking about. AREN'T OWLS THE AWESOME-EST THINGS??!!??!?!

Nick Lopez said...

Fat owls in particular are godly...

Sharkie said...

You might be happy on Thursday, just saying......

Dancing Toast said...

I love your Fat Owl shirts! And your posts aren't lame at all! I like how you think of deep, happy thoughts and post them up for everyone to see and agree with you! It makes me smile. And I like seeing a different side of you in your posts. If anything, MY posts are boring. i have no stories or stuff, so I talk about the same things over and over again. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, SHARKIE. IF YOU DELETE YOUR BLOG, IMMA KEEL JOO AT SCHOOL.

Sharkie said...

OK, I REALLY DON'T WANT TO GET KILLED SO I WILL KEEP POSTING;) its a really good way for me to express my feelings, so i dont think i will delete it, for a while at least :D I LOVE YOUR BLOG! it always cheers me up at how random and funny it is!

Young Blogger said...

Dude. Your posts are the reason I live. If you only post once a month I'll die.
And yeah I do love owls.
AND EVERYONE THAT'S COOL READS YOUR BLOG. Which is alot of people!!!
Only you read mine so don't feel bad.
BUT, I like that because I's just you so I don't have to stress it's interestingness because I've known you for like 3 years. This is a long comment.

Sharkie said...

Hahahaha long commentes are good! They are better than just saying lol (and i hate that word) are saying awesome. Ahahaha, ok i think i will post more often then ;) <3