
Bonjour everyone! This is the blog of, well really anything. I can't tell you what it's about because... even I don't know. But I do know this much. I could write about anything, and nothing. Take that any way you want to. So go ahead, explore!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Meow. (I'm a kitty cat.....)

There is no point in this post. So I will fill it up with things that seem meaningless, but really have a lot of meaning, but only if you look at it in the right angle.

My name is Robert, but some people call me Bob.

I have a t-shirt with a turtle on it. I call him Sheldon.

Flamingos are really green, but global warming turned them pink. Focus your eyes and concentrate, and you might just see them turn green again.

Clouds have so much meaning in them, it's as if the shape of what they are just in front of you.

So did you figure out their meanings yet? By the way, when I went to the beach, no sharks ate me, but I did see two wild dolphins and two live sand dollars. :)


6 People Said Something About This Post!:

Anonymous said...

Sand dollars are actually living creatures??

Sharkie said...

Yeah, when they are dead they flatten out and turn white, and then people sell them. When they are living, they are brown and fuzzy, with very very very small spikes on the outside. They aren't prickly, they kinda feel like the ends of a brush.

Young Blogger said...

I love finding live sand dollars!! Sounds like quite a trip to the beach!

Sharkie said...

Yes it was! Sand dollars are the coolest, there so weird looking when they are alive compared to when they are dead..... wow that's kinda sad.

Young Blogger said...

Yeah it is. Poor sand dollars.

Sharkie said...

BUT! Let's not think about that! I bet they live a happy life, those sand dollars!