
Bonjour everyone! This is the blog of, well really anything. I can't tell you what it's about because... even I don't know. But I do know this much. I could write about anything, and nothing. Take that any way you want to. So go ahead, explore!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Goal

My goal this whole summer is to become a lucid dreamer. In case you don't know, a lucid dreamer is someone who is aware that they are dreaming and has the ability to control the dream, to a certain extent. I researched it and the best way to become said dreamer is to keep a dream journal. My dream journal is long forgotten, and i am going to start a new one today. I hope that, along with other methods I now know will help me better understand my dreams and what they are telling me about myself. I encourage you to do the same, but I will not in any way know if you take my advice or not, so do whatever you want to!

Wish me luck,

4 People Said Something About This Post!:

Young Blogger said...

I think I might do this. I really do I've made many dream journals and they've somehow been lost in the "maze of life" ;) You beautiful writer you.

Good luck to you on your uber cool goal. :D

Sharkie said...

Ahh thank you! Well you should keep at them! It's hard sometimes, but now that I've done it for a while, I can remember my dreams better, so it pays off!


Young Blogger said...

I'm gonna start tonight since I was like nocturnal last night.

Sharkie said...

Ahahahahaha well I wish you much luck!