
Bonjour everyone! This is the blog of, well really anything. I can't tell you what it's about because... even I don't know. But I do know this much. I could write about anything, and nothing. Take that any way you want to. So go ahead, explore!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hm... Contemplating life.

I realized I haven't posted in a while. So, weather you like it or not, HERE I AM WORLD!
I recently realized somethig about myself.
There is nothing, in the world that can make me change who i am.
I am a dreamer. I. Never. Stop. Dreaming.
Like im not kidding.
This is me in school...." Hm, I wonder if (insert name here) really DOES like me, and wouldn't it be great if he like the same stuff as i did, and on our first date, we would go star-gazing, and then he would buy me ice cream?"
This is me in the car...." How amazing would it be if i had wings? i could save the world from bad guys and water pollution. I wish I had wings."
This is me at home...." School is lame. We shouldn't have school on cold days. I think i should run away from this life, find anther one, live adventourously."
But there is one problem about my many dreams- they all lead to on thing.
Me living another life, not the one that i have now. One where im super pretty, one where i live in another planet, one where i have super-natural powers, but in my dream, they are totally normal. I hate living the life im living. It goes nowhere, I do nothing. I want to face death at ever corner, fight monsters, fall in love. Why can't do that? Is it like that for everyone? I wonder, is this how the rest of my life is going to be? Waiting, wishing, dreaming?

6 People Said Something About This Post!:

Nick Lopez said...

Whoa. That was deep.

When I think about life, I get like that too.

Or I just get really depressed about due to my realisation of my mortality.

But seriously, this is really deep. In a good way.

Sharkie said...

Merci beaucoup mon amour.

it doesnt matter that that's the only words that i know.....

Young Blogger said...

Wow. That just changed my pattern of thinking. And you know what, I think everyone does that. (or maybe just writers hehe) But, when I dream, I dream of the sky. Not of people. I dream I'm floating through the sky without seeing myself in what I really am. Seeing the clouds so close that I could fly through and smile the whole way.

Sharkie said...


Young Blogger said...

;) you know it.

Sharkie said...

Hahahahaha WE ARE FLIPPIN AWESOME!!!!!!!