
Bonjour everyone! This is the blog of, well really anything. I can't tell you what it's about because... even I don't know. But I do know this much. I could write about anything, and nothing. Take that any way you want to. So go ahead, explore!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

5 Things I Like (NOT IN A GOOD WAY)

Well, Red Sunshine (P.W.D., really good blog) tagged me just for reading her post (darn you.) so now i have to write 5 things i like, but believe me, it's not in a good way.

1. Writers block. I write basically anything, poems, short stories, novels, my little notebook of questions about the world and beyond, blah blah blah. None of them are published of coarse because im not good, i just looooove to write. When i think of a REALLY GOOD STORY (in my mind) and then i can't think of anything else, it kills me. And then, i don't write for like 5 months, always thinking about what will work in my story, until i loose my mind. That train has been out of the station for years now, people. DEAL WITH IT.
2. When it's amazingly cold outside and i have an obligation somewhere inside. I mean c'mon people, i live in FLORIDA! It never gets cold here! And now, when it is, you expect me to stay inside? good luck with that buddy....
3. When people are really rude and ungrateful during the holiday season. The holiday's are a time for forgiveness! And (in October) scary people dressing up as even scarier people and raiding your houses for candy! But seriously, that really gets my goat. Let's say a certain person asked you to save a seat for them. You don't want to upset them, so of COURSE you say "Yes!" but then another person comes along and plops themselves right down next to you, and refuses to get up, and when you told them you were trying to save a seat for ------- they say "WELL BOO-HO. WHY DO I CARE ABOUT-------?"
4. When other people don't take the time to get to know you. And I can relate to this, because uh, STORY OF MY LIFE. Im weird, Im unique, im crazy!But people only see me as someone who isn't like them, and they judge me because of it. Meanwhile,I might just be their soul mate. But what would they know? Nada. Zip. Zilch. Because they don't want to take the time out of their wonderful lives, just to find out e like the same music, books, and studies.
5. Uhg, I just thought of something while writing #4 but now i forgot.
Ok, so this isn't really something that would normally make me upset, but i feel like venting. So my friend who I have known since like KINDERGARTEN, forgot my birthday. (Im at the point in my life where everyone at school gives you balloons. I love balloons.) But, when it was her birthday, I wasn't there so I couldn't give he/him a balloon, but i did get her/him what she/he really really really wanted. Now it's MY birthday and she/he is there, and she forgot. She/he says,"OH MY GOSH! Ok, i know it's your birthday but I'll give you your present this weekend!" So I wait happily until the weekend. Two months LATER, i still hadn't gotten a thing. Not even a call from him/her. I have one class with him/her, and i always Say hi, but she never seems to remember it. I go over to her/his house one day, and i see a fish. I remember her telling me that she was going to get me a fish for my birthday. There. iT. iS. I don't say anything, hoping that she/he will remember, but he/she doesn't. Now, a couple weeks later, it's her/his and my friends birthday, I didn't know so I didn't get her anything, but it's not like we are besssst friends either,and i gave her half of my kit-kat bar. And who got her a customary balloon? Yup. And she has only known her for like, LESS YEARS THAN SHE HAS KNOW ME. (Sigh) maybe im just a selfish person.

9 People Said Something About This Post!:

Nick Lopez said...

lol. Story of my life too.

Rissy said...

:] lol! I can totally relate to the writers block thing. it sucks!
and the cold weather, however whenever it is cold, i'm sick. :[

Sharkie said...

Aw! Yeah I always get a cold when it's, heheh, he, cold, hahaha, outside! But i think i just found the solution for writers block, Said The Whale.

Young Blogger said...

That last one's annooyyyinnnggg. Who forgets your birthday. wiiierd,
And I can definetly relate to #4,

Sharkie said...

Hahaha yeah i know right! It had me kinda madd..... but whatever....

Young Blogger said...

Hey man I don't blame you. Who wouldn't get mad?

Sharkie said...

Yeah but i mean like it was kinda selfish of me to act that way. OH WELL! :)

Dancing Toast said...

When I read that it was your friends from Kindergarten, I started freaking out because I've known you since kindergarten, but then I started to read the rest, and yeah. I'm sorry that I don't get you much on your b-day though, sorry about that. Who was it?

Sharkie said...

Hahahah of COURSE it's not you! Hey, i didn't want anything from you ANYWAYS! annnnnnd you got me that ADORABLE bunny charm for my phone, remember?
All I will say is that she is in our second hour...... ;)